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Interview with a special student

In Deák, there are more than 1000 students, which leads to a great and colorful community. Some of us come from other towns, and since our highschool is a bilingual school,...

Essays about music

Everybody has an activity, what makes them feel relaxed. When we're listening to music, we can be more liberated than before. We can easily enjoy a moment in our life. You...

Interview with two teachers from Tallinn, Estonia

In October thanks to the Erasmus programme two Estonian teachers were able to visit our school to gain teaching experience with a job shadowing programme. I had the chance to conduct...

How ‘The Crown’ portrays the British Monarchy – The biggest historical inaccuracies

The British royal family’s life is undoubtedly something that the whole world is interested in, hence the extensive media and television coverage. Not to mention that on 9th April 2021, the...

How did students experience the lockdown in foreign countries?

We continued our research about the virus situation in different countries. We made a questionnaire and we received answers from the eastern half of Europe, for example from Greece, Latvia, Poland...

Clibis and the letter of time travel – chapters 9-13

Written by: Anna Dudás Chapter nineNothing happened for like ten minutes, he counted again, for sure, so Clibis pushes some buttons around. To...

Clibis and the letter of time travel – chapters 5-8

Written by: Anna Dudás Chapter fiveThis time things stayed the same. No time warps no nothing, just a very surprised face of...

Clibis and the letter of time travel – the first 4 chapters

Written by: Anna Dudás Chapter oneThe old crooked tower was packed full of books and papers in everyround corner, damped with the smell...

Elnökválasztás is volt 2020-ban – interjú John Cox úrral, az Észak-Dakota Állami Egyetem történelem...

Az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban november 3-ra tűzték ki a 2020. évi elnökválasztást, amelyen a republikánus Donald Trump az újraválasztás reményében indult, a demokraták oldaláról pedig Joe Biden (egykori alelnök) szállt versenybe...

Interview with a Polish student about the current situation in her country – Erasmus+

This article is about the current situation in different countries. I made an interview with a Polish student, Wiktoria Przeliorz. I was interested in what the conditions are in her country,...